Margo O’Callaghan

Margo’s story is a story of a woman who had only love to give to all who knew her and every animal she had ever met; the story of a woman who said very little, but whose message was giant.
— Jenny Nell Schulte, Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center: Bits & Pieces, March, 2006

Little Bit’s annual Dressage Show, established in 2007 and named in honor of Little Bit rider Margo O’Callaghan, is a way to capture the spirit of a woman who led the way for so many riders.

Margo O'Callaghan was a Little Bit rider of 29 years. She started riding at Little Bit after a devastating stroke left her partly paralyzed, affected her ability to speak clearly, and left her unable to continue her nursing career. Margo refused to let her disability stop her, though. After many years of hard work, she became an accomplished para equestrian, competing in national and international shows, and excelling in Dressage and Musical Freestyle. In 2004, Margo narrowly missed becoming a member of the US Paralympic equestrian team. Her ability to communicate with horses was remarkable. At Little Bit, Margo was known for her determination and her kindness towards fellow riders. She was always willing to serve as a role model to the Little Bit community. Her refusal to say, "I can't" and her determination to learn, served as a wonderful example to other Little Bit participants. Aphasia was one aspect of Margo's disability. It was a daily struggle for her to simply communicate with other people. Nevertheless, she would always take the time and effort to talk to younger riders at Little Bit. Margo never said, "I can't." Instead, she did. For that and so much more, we continue her legacy.

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No matter who you were, where you were coming from, or what test you were riding, Margo was always at the side of the arena cheering you on. She loved watching everyone show off the skills they had been working so hard to master.
— Sarah Squires, current Little Bit staff member and former program participant
When Margo was astride a horse, there was no disability. All you saw was a horse and rider working in harmony.
— Jean Kelley, current Little Bit staff member and program participant